When you came into the world you were already perfect. Wide open Love. Everything you were meant to do, to be was written upon your heart. You knew your Purpose. You knew your connection to the Divine.
What happened?
Well. Your family happened.
I am partly being funny. But only partly.
As a very little person, with a clean slate (your neurobiology), ready to be written upon, you learn that the way you act seems to elicit different responses from the people around you.
You begin to forget your original truth, that you are Love, that you are Whole.
If mama and daddy are not attuned to themselves, and you, then they are unable, partially or completely, to mirror to you your importance, your wholeness, your worth and validity.
Of course this happens at some level to everyone as no parent is perfect.
The incredible, adaptable, animal nature of the baby/child self begins to shut down the radiant self and develops the false self by trying to adapt to please the caregiver.
The false self is formedaround the belief that its needs will be met by its ability to control/change the outer world. This starts with the illusion that “I” will be okay if mama/daddy are happy with me. When the false self is in charge, the Divine, creative, wide-open Self goes into hiding.
We forget who we truly are.
The suffering that we experience is always rooted in unconsciously living from the false self.
Is it that simple? Yes and no; but I hope my message is clear:
What you need is already sewn upon your heart and there is unending hope.
The time is here y’all. And you CAN do it. No more waiting.
We are to awaken, dear one.