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Do you relate to this thought?      When ___________ happens, life will be better. Dreaming about your future self is great, but if it comes from a diminished sense of self it ain’t worth crap. It is simply a distraction, as well as a sneaky way to put yourself down. 🔑 The true key […]

How to Heal Yourself

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Self-compassion infers that we extend the kindness, the desire to help that we would offer a friend who was suffering, towards ourselves.If we can offer this kindness almost effortlessly to others why is it so difficult to give ourselves?Think about this: 🎧without intervention, we (unconsciously) play the tapes we uploaded from our childhood over and over again.Childhood messages are […]

Self-Compassion — how to begin

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“You will never heal.”  “You’re different/more f’ed up than everyone else.” “No one here likes you.” “You’re not smart enough.” “You didn’t do it perfect.”Any of these sound familiar?This is the voice of your Inner Critic (IC).I used to believe this voice lock, stock and barrel. I truly bought everything my IC was selling:  “you […]

How to Identify Your Inner Critic and Get Free

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Feel like you have done the inner work and yet continue to find that you are possessed by self-criticism and a lack of internal peace and connection?The Path Less TraveledThere is a solution.  Life will still happen (you’ll have all sorts of feelings and experiences) but you CAN stop be haunted by a sense of:🔸 I […]

Freedom-it’s in your emotional body

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What if I told you there was a way to feel safe and connected to yourself and God/Universe no matter what was going on?  Would you be tempted to learn more?We often spend our lives running from our own inner world.Perfectionism, workaholism, accomplishments, alcohol, body obsession, over/under eating, sex, drugs, alcohol, TV, social media are […]

How to Get Better from the inside out

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How many hours of your life have you spent feeling you were different?  That somehow, unlike everyone else, you were unable to achieve contentment? Happiness?I used to believe I was doomed to live a life of anxiety and unmet dreams of purpose and connection. I believed was, somehow, just plain ‘wrong’.  Deficient and unable to feel at […]

Doom and a way to Hope

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Y’all!  WTF???? Did you know all the crap-talking your head tells you about yourself is learned?If 💩-talking/self-criticism/self-hate is learned, then guess what?!YUP, you can repair and relearn self-kindness, faith in your goodness and a sense of peace.We pick these belief patterns up from our early childhood experiences. We are both flat-out taught some non-sense from our […]

Start here to end the 💩-talkers in your head

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When you came into the world you were already perfect. Wide open Love.  Everything you were meant to do, to be was written upon your heart.  You knew your Purpose. You knew your connection to the Divine. What happened? Well. Your family happened. I am partly being funny. But only partly. As a very little person, with a clean slate (your neurobiology), ready […]

Did You Forget?

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How many hours of your life have you spent feeling you were different?  That somehow, unlike everyone else, you were unable to achieve contentment? Happiness? I used to believe I was doomed to live a life of anxiety and unmet dreams of purpose and connection. I believed was, somehow, just plain ‘wrong’.  Deficient and unable to feel at peace […]

I thought I was Doomed~musings on hope

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How are you feeling today? ⬅️ me proving I exercise. Yes, Peloton, I am available to be your spokesmodel. There is a climate of fear in our country. Our culture. Our families and individual beings that is very painful.  This fear, although excruciating, is also a place of comfort for many of us.  It’s like […]

How to Feel Safe Now